Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Practices Policy applies to all websites operated by or on behalf of BMC POWER, websites on third-party platforms (such as Facebook and YouTube), and applications accessed or used through these websites or third-party programs (“SITE”).

By using the SITE, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Practices Policy. If you do not want cookies to be used in this way, you should adjust your browser settings or not use the SITE. Disabling the cookies you use may affect your user experience on the SITE.

The table below summarizes the different types of cookies we use on the SITES, their respective purposes and durations (including how long each cookie will be kept on your device).

What are cookie practices?

Cookies are files or pieces of information that can be stored on your computer (or other internet-enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets) when you visit a SITE. A cookie usually contains the name of the website from which it was received, the "lifetime" of the cookie (eg how long it will stay on your device), and a unique numeric value, usually generated randomly.

For what purpose do we use cookies?

We use cookies to facilitate the use of the SITE and to better customize our SITE in line with your interests and needs. Cookies may also be used to speed up your future activities and experiences on our sites. We also use cookies to help us gather anonymous and aggregated statistical data that helps us understand how people use our sites, and to help us improve the structure and content of our sites. This data is not information that could enable us to identify you.

What kind of cookies do we use?

Two types of cookies can be used on the SITES: "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Session cookies are temporary cookies that are kept on your device until you leave the SITE. A persistent cookie is stored on your device for a longer period of time until you delete it. (How long the cookie will be kept on your device will vary depending on the duration or lifetime of that cookie and your browser settings.)

Some pages you visit may use pixel tags (also called clean gifs) to receive information that can be shared with third parties that directly support our promotional activities and website improvements. For example, website usage information about visitors to the SITE may be shared with our third-party advertising agencies in order to provide more effective visibility of banner ads on our websites. This information may be related to your personal information, but they cannot identify you.

Cookies used on the site

Cookie Type What is its function? Can these cookies collect my personal information or identify me?
Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary for the site to function properly, they allow you to browse our sites and take advantage of site features. An example of this is remembering previous actions (eg text entry) when returning to a page within the same session.  

These cookies do not identify you. If you do not accept these cookies, the performance of all or parts of the website may be affected.
Performance cookies These cookies provide information about issues such as areas visited, time spent on the site, and error messages encountered, and help us understand how visitors interact with our website.  This allows us to improve the performance of our website.  These cookies do not identify you. All data is taken and aggregated anonymously.
Functionality cookies These cookies allow our websites to remember your preferences (e.g. your username, region or language you use) for a more personalized online experience. Cookies also allow visitors to watch videos, play games and use social tools such as blogs, chat rooms and forums.  The information these cookies collect may include confidential data that can identify you, such as your username or profile picture. We must always be transparent about what data we collect, how we use that data, and with whom we share it. If you do not accept these cookies, the performance and functionality of the website may be affected and some content on the website may not be accessible.
Marketing / Targeting cookies These cookies aim to provide you with content that is close to you and your interests. It can be used to serve targeted ads or limit the number of times an ad is viewed. It also helps us measure the efficiency of advertising campaigns on external websites. We may use these cookies to remember the websites you visit and share this information with third parties, including advertisers and our own companies.  Many types of these cookies can collect identifying information by tracking consumers by their IP addresses. For detailed information on the information collected and how this information is used, please see the Marketing / Targeting section below.

How do we use third party cookies?

We work with some third-party vendors who set cookies on your device when you visit the site so that they can offer you the services they provide. For detailed information about these cookies and how you can opt out of receiving these cookies, see the relevant sections below.

When you visit the site, you may receive cookies from third party websites or domains. We work to identify these cookies before they are used and to enable you to decide whether or not to accept cookies. Detailed information about these cookies may be available on the relevant third party website.

How can I control or delete cookies?

Many internet browsers are set to automatically accept cookies by default. You can change these settings to block cookies or to give a warning when cookies are sent to your device. There are several ways to manage cookies. For detailed information on how to adjust your browser settings, please refer to your browser's instruction or help screen.

If you disable the cookies we use, this action may affect your user experience on our sites; for example, you may not be able to view certain sections of the site, or you may not be able to access information that is customized for you when you visit a site.

If you use different devices (eg computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) to view the site, you should make sure that every browser installed on all these devices is set to suit your cookie preferences.

More information

Session / Temporary: These cookies are deleted from your device after you leave the website.

Continuous / Persistent: These cookies are not deleted from your device after you leave the website. It is kept on your device for a longer period of time.


Cookie Used: What is its function? How long does it keep on your device? Cookie details
Analysis / Monitoring  It provides anonymous aggregated data about where you visit and what you do on our company and other websites.                Persistent, session and third party. Our company uses the following Analytical Cookies and Web Beacons. Persistent, session and third party.

Our company uses the following Analytical Cookies and Web Beacons.

  • Unica: Click for detailed information about how Unica works.

  • Google Analytics: Click for detailed information about Google Analytics.

  • Web Trends: Click for detailed information about Web Trends.

  • Omniture / Site Catalyst: Click for detailed information about Omniture and Site Catalyst.

  • YouTube Watch: Click for detailed information about YouTube.

  • (third party cookies): Click for detailed information about Quantserve.

  • Gemius: Click for detailed information about Gemius.

  • Wordpress Stats: Click for detailed information about Wordpress Stats.


Social Media / Sharing

It lets you share comments, votes, pages, bookmarks and helps you access social networks and social tools more easily.

Third Party

Add This: Click for detailed information about Add This.

  • Unica: Click for detailed information about how Unica works.
  • Google Analytics: Click for detailed information about Google Analytics.
  • Twitter: Click for detailed information about Twitter Buttons
  • Click for detailed information about Twitter Badge.
  • YouTube: Click for detailed information about YouTube.
  • LinkedIn: Click for detailed information about LinkedIn.

Career Portal

It remembers your preferences, login information and positions of interest for your current and future visits.

Third Party

Oracle: Click for detailed information about Oracle.


Cross-site tracking

It provides anonymous information about visitors, such as sites visited before and after our company website.

Persistent, session and third party

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Nielsen NetRatings Site Count: Click for detailed information about Nielsen NetRatings Count.

  • Click for detailed information about quisma.

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

Rich Media

It supports various functions on the websites of our company and its partners, such as playing videos, using online gift vouchers, and connected applications, downloading music.

Persistent, session and third party

  • YouTube: Click for detailed information about YouTube.

  • Click for detailed information about

  • Click for detailed information about

Pointer Domains

Web beacons support various functions on our company websites. Web beacons (also called web bugs / pixel tags / clean GIFs) track visitors' behavior on websites; They provide third party companies with information such as users' IP addresses and what they do on their websites.

Persistent, session and third party

We use several different beacons on our company websites, here are some examples of how some of the most common beacons work:

Flashtalking and TangoZebra collect anonymous data (browser information, operating system, page views) that can be used to provide content that may be of interest to users; this data can be used to measure popular campaigns and web pages. These collected data are shared with third parties.

It is used on the following sites:

  • Used with flash player to play videos on websites.

It is used on the following sites:



Our company supports various functions on websites

Persistent, session and third party Click for detailed information about

JSESSIONID: Click for detailed information about JESSIONID.